Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 3 Begins with Chest & Back

This is my third and final time performing this particular workout during Phase 1 of P90X.  I was dripping sweat like Plyometrics (tomorrows workout) after completing the Chest & Back.  This workout consists of multiple versions of the push up and pull ups.  The various types of push ups include the regular push up, military push up, wide push up, decline push up, diamond push up and the dive bomber push up.  The pull ups workout which can be done with bands or the pull up bar featured the regular pull up, close grip pull up, wide grip and reverse grip.  This workout alternates between push ups and pull ups as well as three other back workouts.  WHEW! This was a tough workout!

 Although I stated that I would start using the pull up bar this week for my pull up exercises, I admit I continued to use the bands because I never got around to putting the pull up bar together.  On my next back workout which is Friday (Christmas morning) I will use the pull up bar during my Legs and Back routine.  Yes, I do plan to workout Christmas morning.  I still got an effective pull up workout with the bands.  You don't have to use the pull up bar because it is optional. I like using the Bodylastics Bands.  For my pull up routine I used the 19lb bands and I got a really good back workout.  I will be feeling this workout all day today. 

P90X is the Most Extreme Home Fitness Training System Ever! Click here to get your DVDs

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 13 Kenpo

I completed my thirteenth day of P90X.  I did the Kenpo X workout which is one of the cardio routines.  Kenpo is a Japanese martial arts form with its origins from China.  Today it has a stong influence in Hawaii.  There are many variations to this martial arts style.  Some of the most popular Kenpo systems are Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate, Shaolin Kenpo, Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo and Kosho-ryu.  

This workout focused on a series of punches and kicks to elevate the heart rate.  I've taken martial arts before so I didn't find this workout to be that difficult.  The only difficulties I had was with my coordination.  I didn't realize how uncoordinated some of my moves were.  As time goes on my coordination will improve.  I found it to be a good cardio workout and having my heart rate monitor helped me to maintain the proper heart rate so I was constantly in the fat burning zone.  

There are several types of heart rate monitors.  I prefer the wrist monitor.  You can get them with different features.  I was able to find one that also kept track of my pace and the steps I took so that I could also use it when I go for walks or runs.  The price ranges from $35 to over $100 depending on features and brand.  Polar F6 Men's Heart Rate Monitor Watch (Black Coal, New Design)Timex T5J031 Unisex Digital Fitness Heart Rate Monitor WatchReebok Fitwatch 10S Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Watch (Blue)Bowflex Fit Trainer 10M Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Watch (Black)

Tomorrow is my rest day and I am going to relax so I can start week 3 of the program.  I know its going to be hard to stay on the eating plan with Christmas coming but I will do my best not to eat too much cake, Christmas cookies with the little sprinkles, or alcoholic beverages.  I'm only human.  

Friday, December 18, 2009

P90X Day 12 - Legs & Back with Ab Ripper X

I just finished my 12th day of P90X.  I love working out my legs. What I really like about this workout is that a lot of the lower body exercises do not require weights but you still get a really good lower body workout.  My legs feel like jelly trying to go up and down the stairs.

The back workout consist of several variations of pull ups and chin ups.  You can use bands to complete the workouts or the pull up bar.  I like using the Bodylastic Bands. Bodylastic Bands are more durable than other bands that I've purchased in the past.  I also have the Iron Gym pull up bar because it allows you to complete all the different variations of pull ups in the P90X workout.  I'll be honest I haven't worked up my nerve to try the pull up bar. I thought I would save that for week 3 workout.  So next week I'll get over my fear and start using the pull up bar. I have zero upper body strength so this will be a challenge. 

The ab workout is very difficult.  Sometimes I feel like a loser because I can't finish all reps of the exercise.  There are 11 different abdominal exercises with 25 reps each.  I have to remind myself that I am only on Day 12 and I'll improve over time.  I always feel defeated by Ab Ripper X but I can definitely say that I do see the six pack forming so I just work harder the next time. If you want a nice, sexy core then try doing Ab Ripper X. You'll definitely get there.  But you have to remember diet is key to achieving that sexy core. 

Everyone always make New Year Resolutions to get in shape, lose weight and to live a healthier lifestyle.  Don't wait until January 1st start now.  I thought about waiting but I decided that if it's worth having then why wait for it.  We tend to eat more or gain weight during the holidays but this workout has helped me to be more conscious about what I eat so I'm still able to get the results.  Once you start doing the workouts and seeing the results immediately you don't want to mess it up with your diet.  So I say go for it and get it now.  Get started and if you do mess up just start over after the new year. At least you'll know what you're in for and if it's not for you just return it for a full refund and find something that works for you.  Good luck and let me know how you're doing. 

Get Your Bodylastics NOW!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

P90X - Does It REALLY Do What They Say?

I know you've seen the P90X infomercial that show normal everyday people obtaining real results from this extreme workout. I know a lot of people are wondering if it REALLY works like they say on TV. Well, I like to workout and I had reached a plateau in my current workout program. I only needed to lose the remaining 8 pounds I gained during my pregnancy. After having watched the infomercial numerous times I decided to breakdown and buy the workout program. It offered a 100% money back guarantee so what did I really have to lose except that nagging last 8 pounds.

I went online and placed my order. I ordered it on the Monday after Thanksgiving and had it the next day. The program came with 12 workout dvd's, a guide and a very comprehensive meal plan. I had decided that I was going to start the program on Monday, December 7, 2009. So I had a full week to read the materials, get any additional equipment I might need like the pull up bar and Bodylastic Bands, take my before pics, take my measurements including my body fat percentage. Oh and go to the grocery store.

You really have to prepare for this program and understand what you're getting into for the next 90 days. Taking the before pics really make you take a really good look at yourself and all of your problem areas - that is enough motivation alone. One day I'll actually get up my nerve to post the before pics!

The meal plan is divided into three phases that coincide with the three phases of the workout program. Understanding the meal plan and planning your meals is very important. The meal plan didn't require that I make too many adjustments because I was already eating a healthy diet. My only flaw was planning my meals ahead of time. So far I haven't been hungry following this meal plan. The plan requires you to eat a lot food so you don't go hungry nor jeopardize your progress on the program. I highly recommend keeping a food journal so you can keep track of the foods you eat as well as your workout. 

One of the things I really like about P90X is that the information they provide you is very comprehensive. Not only is it packed with great information, there is also a message board/forum that has FAQ's and a host of members who are ready to help out the newbie. The people in the forum provided me with so much motivation. I received emails from people offering to be my coach and answer any questions I had about the workouts and provide guidance. There were so many before and after pics from so many people from various ages.

One of my concerns was that I was going to bulk up on this program. The program offers a variety methods for performing the exercises so you can tailor them to fit your particular needs. The program has three different choices to choose from based on your goals. The Classic is the basic workout that mostly everyone chooses to do. Doubles is a more advanced workout which is for people who REALLY want to see results very fast and then there is the Lean workout which offers more cardio. Each workout utilizes the same 12 dvd's but the workout sequencing is different.

This program is not for the faint at heart. If you're new to working out then I wouldn't recommend this program. If you're intermediate to advanced and you're looking to shake things up a bit then this is the workout for you. If it's real results you're looking for and you've reached a plateau, this is the program for you. There are six daily workouts and one rest day. I am on Day 11 of Phase 1 and I can already see the fruits of my labor. The ab workout is phenomenal and I can see the six pack forming. I am extremely excited about this workout program and I look forward to each days workout. I will be in Phase 1 for another two weeks and then I'll start Phase 2.

Does it really work? YES!! Come take the journey with me and see for yourself.

P90X is the Most Extreme Home Fitness Training System Ever! Click here to get your DVDs